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Showing results 1 to 20 of 31  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Band Gap of (In2S3)x(AgIn5S8)1-x Single-Crystal AlloysBodnar, I. V.; Feschenko, A. A.; Khoroshko, V. V.
2024Cu2ZnGeSe4 single crystals: Growth, structure and temperature dependence of band gapBodnar, I. V.; Khoroshko, V. V.; Yashchuk, V. A.; Gremenok, V. F.; Mohsin Kazi; Khandaker, M. U.; Zubar, T. I.; Tishkevich, D. I.; Trukhanov, A. V.; Trukhanov, S. V.
2016Fermi Resonance in Phonon Spectra of Quaternary Chalcohenides of the type Cu2ZnGeS4Valakh, M. Ya.; Litvinchuk, A. P.; Dzhagan, V. M.; Yukhymchuk, V. O.; Yaremko, A. M.; Romanyuk, Yu. A.; Guc, M.; Bodnar, I. V.; Pérez-Rodríguez, A.; Zahn, T.
2023Growing crystals and studying structure and electronic properties of Cu2ZnGe(SхSe1-x)4 compositionsBodnar, I. V.; Khoroshko, V. V.; Yashchuk, V. A.; Gremenok, V. F.; Mohsin Kazi; Khandaker, M. U.; Abid, A. G.; Zubar, T. I.; Tishkevich, D. I.; Trukhanov, A. V.; Trukhanov, S. V.
2021Growth, crystal structure, and properties of Cu2Zn1-xCdxSnS4 solid solutionsBodnar, I. V.; Victorov, I. A.; Kalita, O. V.; Khoroshko, V. V.; Arushanov, E.
2016Hopping magnetotransport of the band-gap tuningCu2Zn(SnxGe1-x)Se4 crystalsLähderanta, E.; Hajdeu-Chicaros, E.; Shakhov, M.; Guc, M.; Bodnar, I. V.; Arushanov, E.; Lisunov, K. G.
2022Infrared Reflection Spectra of (FeIn2S4)x∙(In2S3)1–x Solid SolutionsBodnar, I. V.; Khoroshko, V. V.; Karoza, A. G.
2022Infrared reflection spectra of MnxFe1–xIn2S4 solid solutionsBodnar, I. V.; Khoroshko, V. V.; Karoza, A. G.; Feshchenko, A. A.
2017Lattice vibrations in FeIn2S4 single crystalsPauliukavets, S.; Bodnar, I. V.; Bychek, I. V.; Smirnova, G. F.; Karoza, A. G.; Smirnova, T.
2018Magnetotransport and conductivity mehanisms in Cu2ZnSnxGe1-xS4 single crystalsLahderanta, E.; Hajdeu-Chicaros, E.; Guc, M.; Shakhov, M.; Zakharchuk, I.; Bodnar, I. V.; Arushanov, E.; Lisunov, K. G.
2017Multiwavelength excitation Raman scattering of Cu2ZnSn1-xGex(S,Se)4 solid solution in single crystals for band gap engineering and earth abundant photovoltaic applicationGarcia-Llamas, E.; Guc, M.; Bodnar, I. V.; Fontane, X.; Caballero, R.; Merino, J. M.; Leon, M.; Izquierdo-Roca, V.
2017Multiwavelength excitation Raman scattering of Cu2ZnSn1-xGex(S,Se)4 solid solution in single crystals for band gap engineering and earth abundant photovoltaic applicationGarcia-Llamas, E.; Guc, M.; Bodnar, I. V.; Fontane, X.; Caballero, R.; Merino, J. M.; Leon, M.; Izquierdo-Roca, V.
2016Optical phonons in the kesterite Cu2ZnGeS4 semiconductor: polarized Raman spectroscopy and first-principle calculationsGuc, M.; Litvinchuk, A.; Valakh, M.; Levchenko, S.; Bodnar, I. V.; Dzhagan, V. M.; Izquierdo-Roca, V.; Arushanov, E.; Pérez-Rodríguez, A.; Боднарь, И. В.
2020Polarized infrared reflectivity of Cu2CdSnS4 single crystalsBodnar, I. V.; Victorov, I. A.; Karosa, A. G.; Arushanov, E. K.; Levcenko, S.
2016Polarized Raman scattering study of kesterite type Cu2ZnSnS4 single crystalsGuc, M.; Levchenko, S.; Bodnar, I. V.; Izquierdo-Roca, V.; Fontane, X.; Volkova, L. V.; Arushanov, E.; Perez-Rodriquez, A.
2015Preparation and optical characterization of Cu2ZnGeSe4 thin filmsLevcenko, S.; Caballero, R.; Dermenji, L.; Telesh, E. V.; Victorov, I. A.; Merino, J. M.; Arushanov, E.; Leon, M.; Bodnar, I. V.
2017Raman characterization and modeling of Cu2ZnSn1-XGeXS4 single crystals grown using chemical vapor transportCano-Torres, J. M.; Caballero, R.; Victorov, I. A.; León, M.; Garcia-Llamas, E.; Yukhymchuk, V. O.; Yaremko, A. M.; Havryliuk, Ye. O.; Bodnar, I. V.; Merino, J. M.
2017RF Electromagnetic Field Treatment of Tetragonal Kesterite CZTSSe Light AbsorbersSemenenko, M. O.; Babichuk, I. S.; Kiriienko, O.; Bodnar, I. V.; Caballero, R.; Leon, M.
2020Spectroscopic ellipsometry study of Cu2ZnSn(SxSe1-x)4 bulk polycrystalsLevcenko, S.; Hajdeu-Chicarosh, E.; Serna, R.; Guc, M.; Victorov, I. A.; Nateprov, A.; Bodnar, I. V.; Caballero, R.; Merino, J. M.; Arushano, E.; Leon, M.
2018Spectroscopic ellipsometry study of Cu2ZnSnS4 bulk poly-crystalsLevchenko, S.; Hajdeu-Chicaros, E.; Llamas, E.; Caballero, R.; Serna, R.; Bodnar, I. V.; Victorov, I. A.; Guc, M.; Merino, H. M.; Perez-Rodrigez, A.; Arushanov, E.; Leyn, M.