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Title: Performance comparison between three processing modes on intel nehalen I5–460M
Authors: Аскари, М.
Keywords: материалы конференций;Performance Monitoring Unit;multi-processor systems
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: БГУИР
Citation: Askari, M. Performance comparison between three processing modes on intel nehalen I5–460M / M. Askari // Компьютерные системы и сети : материалы 50-й научной конференции аспирантов, магистрантов и студентов, Минск, 24–28 марта 2014 г. / Белорусский государственный университет информатики и радиоэлектроники ; редкол.: В. А. Прытков [и др.]. – Минск, 2014. – С. 14–15.
Abstract: In modern computer systems, one of the main aims is to improve system performance. One of the ways to improve the performance of system is to improve Cycle per Instruction. Due to the increasing popularity of multi-core systems, understand- ing the impact of various working modes of applications on theses processors will allow developers of operating systems to control the status of execution of certain classes of applications on processor and thus help to improve system performance. Applications on a multi–core system can be executed on speed and rate modes, and in the case of rate mode the applications can be run on Hyper–threading and non Hyper-threading modes. In this paper, Intel Nehalem i5–460M has been studied. Re- sults show that in 11 categories of 12 categories from SPEC CPU2000 benchmarks, average of Cycle per Instruction on speed mode is less than non Hyper-threading mode and average of Cycle per Instruction on non Hyper–threading mode is less than Hype–threading mode. Cycle per Instruction is calculated by Intel–vtune2013 by collecting the values associated with system events. Analysis of the results is performed using ANOVA Multiple Comparison method in SPSS.
Appears in Collections:Компьютерные системы и сети : материалы 50-й научной конференции аспирантов, магистрантов и студентов (2014)

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