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Title: Business intelligence tools for data visualisation
Authors: Markova, A. A.
Keywords: материалы конференций;Business Intelligence;Big Data;key performance indicators
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: БГУИР
Citation: Markova, A. A. Business intelligence tools for data visualisation / A. A. Markova // Проблемы экономики и информационных технологий : сборник тезисов и статей докладов 57-ой научной конференции аспирантов, магистрантов и студентов БГУИР, Минск, 19-21 апреля 2021 г. / Белорусский государственный университет информатики и радиоэлектроники. – Минск, 2021. – С. 319–320.
Abstract: This article focuses on company data (e.g. financial metrics) that can be used as a business tool while implementing MS Power BI for analytics and forecasting. With MS Power BI, it is possible to export, filter, and create different visual graphical presentation reports by using company’s raw data without altering the original source data. The benefits are significant because by using BI tools the company’s management can create customized reports quickly and with little effort. Data does not need to be manually updated any more to get real-time information. After implementing the MS Power BI solution, the case company has been able to analyze, present and review its products and services and develop a new product and service offerings to meet the ever-changing needs of its clients.
Appears in Collections:Проблемы экономики и информационных технологий : материалы 57-й научной конференции аспирантов, магистрантов и студентов (2021)

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