Showing results 1 to 20 of 29
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2019 | 3D Silicon Photonic Structures Based on Avalanche LED with Interconnections through Optical Interposer | Lazarouk, S. K.; Leshok, A. A.; Kozlova, T. A.; Dolbik, A. V.; Le Dinh Vi; Ilkov, V. K.; Labunov, V. A. |
2022 | A highly sensitive silicon nanowire array sensor for joint detection of tumor markers CEA and AFP | Lu, Ke; Liu, Chaoran; Wang, Gaofeng; Yang, Weihuang; Fan, Kai; Lazarouk, S. K.; Labunov, V. A.; Dong, Linxi; Li, Dujuan; Yang, Xun |
2021 | A supersensitive silicon nanowire array biosensor for quantitating tumor marker ctDNA | Dujuan Li; Huiyi Chen; Kai Fan; Labunov, V. A.; Lazarouk, S. K.; Xiaojie Yue; Chaoran Liu; Xun Yang; Linxi Dong; Geofeng Wang |
2017 | Accumulation of porous silicon combustion energy for mechanical pulse enhancement in mems | Lazarouk, S. K.; Dolbik, A. V.; Sychevich, A.; Maslenkova, E.; Jiang Yuanqing; Deng Zhao; Labunov, V. A. |
2019 | An optical screen for light guiding in the vertical direction | Lazarouk, S. K.; Leshok, A. A.; Dolbik, A. V.; Kliutski, A. Yu.; Kolchenko, K. T.; Kisel, A. A.; Zhigulin, D. V.; Prislopski, S. Ya.; Лазарук, С. К.; Лешок, А. А.; Долбик, А. В.; Клюцкий, А. Ю.; Кольченко, К. Т.; Кисель, А. А.; Прислопский, С. Я. |
2017 | Anodic titanium oxide with controllable optical properties for biomedical applications | Gritskov, V.; Gvozdovskaya, E. A.; Rabatuev, G.; Lazarouk, S. K.; Kupreeva, O.; Kurilenko, A.; Isaev, D. V.; Gorbachev, F. A.; Lastovka, A.; Mazurenko, A. |
2020 | Complex magnetic ordering in nanoporous [Co/Pd]5-IrMn multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and its impact on magnetization reversal and magnetoresistance | Wu, Wen-Bin; Kasiuk, J.; Nguyen, Thi Ngoc Anh; Fedotova, J.; Przewoźnik, J.; Kapusta, C.; Kupreeva, O. V.; Lazarouk, S. K.; Do, Khanh Tung; Nguyen, Thanh Huong; Vu, Hong Ky; Vu, Dinh Lam; Akerman, J. |
2019 | Effect of anodic voltage on parameters of porous alumina formed in sulfuric acid electrolytes | Huang, X.; Su, W.; Sun, L.; Liu, J.; Sasinovich, D. A.; Kupreeva, O. V.; Tsirkunov, D. A.; Rabatuev, G. G.; Lazarouk, S. K. |
2017 | Effect of electrolyte viscosity on heating of growing anodic oxide during electrochemical anodizing | Rabatuev, G.; Kupreeva, O.; Tsirkunov, D.; Lazarouk, S. K.; Gritskov, V.; Prannik, V.; Kurilenko, A. |
2018 | Effect of flattened surface morphology of anodized aluminum oxide templates on the magnetic properties of nanoporous Co/Pt and Co/Pd thin multilayered films | Anh Nguyen, T. N.; Fedotova, J.; Kasiuk, J. V.; Bayev, V. G.; Kupreeva, O. V.; Lazarouk, S. K.; Manh, D. H.; Vu, D. L.; Chung, S.; Åkerman, J.; Altynov, V.; Maximenko, A. |
2017 | Effect of the surface structure of titanium implants on the response to the bone tissue | Lazarouk, S. K.; Kupreeva, O. V.; Dudich, O. N.; Krasilnikova, V. L.; Bahayeu, S. I. |
2024 | Effects of etching duration on silicon quantum dot size and photoluminescence quantum yield | Yizhou He; Qianxi Hao; Chi Zhang; Qi Wang; Wenxin Zeng; Jiamin Yu; Xue Yang; Xiaowei Guo; Shaorong Li; Lazarouk, S. K. |
2022 | Enhanced Near-Infrared Fluorescent Sensing Using Metal-Dielectric-Metal Plasmonic Array | Huu Tu Nguyen; Thu Trang Hoang; Xuan Bach Nguyen; Trinh Quang Dung; Thanh Son Pham; Khai, Q. Le.; Lazarouk, S. K.; Quang Minh Ngo |
2019 | Enhanced Perpendicular Exchange Bias in Co/Pd Antidot Arrays | Anh Nguyen, T. N.; Fedotova, J.; Kasiuk, J. V.; Wu, W. B.; Przewoznik, J.; Kapusta, C.; Thuy Trinh, T. H.; Tung Do, K.; Manh Do, H.; Lam Vu, D.; Akerman, J.; Kupreeva, O. V.; Lazarouk, S. K. |
2019 | Extreme Heating of Alumina Barrier Layer During High Electric Field Anodization of Aluminum | Rabatuev, G. G.; Dudich, V. V.; Kupreeva, O. V.; Orechovskaya, T. I.; Lazarouk, S. K. |
2014 | Fabrication of double-walled titania nanotubes and their photocatalytic activity | Borisenko, V. E.; Lazarouk, S. K.; Orekhovskaya, T. I.; Борисенко, В. Е.; Лазарук, С. К.; Ореховская, Т. И. |
2022 | Formation of alumina nanotubes and jet effect during high voltage local anodization of aluminum | Lazarouk, S. K.; Sasinovich, D. A.; Dudich, V. V.; Lazarouk, A. S.; Borisenko, V. E. |
2015 | Giant and Tunable Mechanical Impulse of Energetic Nanocrystalline Porous Silicon | Dolbik, A. V.; Viet Cuong Nguyen; Pita, K.; Kam, C. H.; Lazarouk, S. K.; Labunov, V. A. |
2020 | Influence of interfacial magnetic ordering and field-cooling effect on perpendicular exchange bias and magnetoresistance in nanoporous IrMn/[Co/Pd] films | Wu, Wen-Bin; Kasiuk, J.; Nguyen, Thi Ngoc Anh; Przewoźnik, J.; Fedotova, J.; Kapusta, C.; Kupreeva, O. V.; Lazarouk, S. K.; Do, Khanh Tung; Nguyen, Thanh Huong; Vu, Hong Ky; Linh, Pham Hoai; Vu, Lam D.; Akerman, J. |
2019 | Mechanical impulse enhancement in a microsystem based on nanoporous silicon combustion | Lazarouk, S. K.; Dolbik, A. V.; Labunov, V. A. |