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Название: Electrochemical codeposition of nanostructured materials for highly reliable systems
Авторы: Timoshkov, I.
Kurmashev, V.
Timoshkov, V.
Sakova, A.
Ключевые слова: материалы конференций;nanocomposite;MEMS
Дата публикации: 2013
Издательство: БГУИР
Описание: Timoshkov, I. Electrochemical codeposition of nanostructured materials for highly reliable systems / I. Timoshkov and other // Nano-Design, Technology, Computer Simulation — NDTCS ’ 2013: proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on New Approaches to High-Tech, Minsk, June 11–15, 2013 / BSUIR. - Minsk, 2013. - P. 63 – 66.
Аннотация: This paper describes one of the approaches to solve the problem of wear and friction of mechanically moving and load carrying elements of micro and nano dimensions. The electrochemical electroplating technology of metals and alloys with inert hard nanoparticles is presented. Codeposition model of nanocomposite plating is developed. The influence of process parameters on the mechanical properties of particle-reinforced coatings is described. The use of nanocomposite materials to improve the mechanical properties of micro and nano components in modern integrated systems is investigated. The outlook of these materials and technologies for advanced micro- and nanoelectromechanical systems of high reliability and their application is considered. A method for manufacturing of holographic films with high runability for roll- to-roll technology is described.
Располагается в коллекциях:NDTCS 2013

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