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dc.contributor.authorDzik, C. S.-
dc.contributor.authorPiletski, I. I.-
dc.identifier.citationDzik, C. S. Anomaly detection using autoencoder for data quality monitoring in cloud / C. S. Dzik, I. I. Pilecki // BIG DATA and Advanced Analytics = BIG DATA и анализ высокого уровня: сб. материалов VI Междунар. науч.-практ. конф., Минск, 20-21 мая 2020 года: в 3 ч. Ч. 1 / редкол.: В. А. Богуш [и др.]. – Минск : Бестпринт, 2020. – С. 170–175.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractMany works are dedicated to solving the data quality problem, a number of standards have been developed, but the problem has not been solved for decades. Moreover, the problem now requires a more complex solution due to processing large amounts of unstructured data in the cloud. This work presents the original project Autoencoder that focuses on the technology of analysis, detection and forecasting poor-quality data transmission based on machine learning and the use of neural networks.ru_RU
dc.subjectматериалы конференцийru_RU
dc.subjectanomaly detectionru_RU
dc.subjectartificial neural networkru_RU
dc.subjectmultilayer perceptronru_RU
dc.titleAnomaly detection using autoencoder for data quality monitoring in cloudru_RU
Appears in Collections:BIG DATA and Advanced Analytics = BIG DATA и анализ высокого уровня : материалы конференции (2020)

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