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dc.contributor.authorVolodko, D.-
dc.identifier.citationVolodko, D. Protecting techniques against cross-site scripting attacks / D. Volodko // Технические средства защиты информации : материалы докладов и краткие сообщения VI Белорусско-российской научно-технической конференции, Минск, 21-22 мая, 2008 г. / Белорусский государственный университет информатики и радиоэлектроники ; редкол.: В. Ф. Голиков [и др.]. – Минск, 2008. – С. 28.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractNowadays, many web sites make extensive use of client side scripts to enhance user experience. Unfortunately, this trend has also increased the popularity and frequency of cross-site scripting (CSS for short, but more often abbreviated as XSS) attacks. Cross-site scripting is an attack against web application in which scripting code is injected in to the output of an application, sent to a user browser, executed with the browser permissions and used to transfer sensitive data to a third party (i.e the attacker).ru_RU
dc.subjectматериалы конференцийru_RU
dc.subjectcross-site scripting attacksru_RU
dc.subjectsensitive dataru_RU
dc.titleProtecting techniques against cross-site scripting attacksru_RU
Appears in Collections:ТСЗИ 2008

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