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dc.contributor.authorFeodorov, V. B.-
dc.contributor.authorHarlamov, S. G.-
dc.identifier.citationFeodorov, V. B. On the restoration of the blurred image of a moving object / V. B. Feodorov, S. G. Harlamov // Nano-Desing, Tehnology, Computer Simulations=Нанопроектирование, технология, компьютерное моделирование (NDTCS-2021) : тезисы докладов XIX Международного симпозиума, Минск, 28-29 октября 2021 года / Белорусский государственный университет информатики и радиоэлектроники ; редкол.: В. А. Богуш [и др.]. – Минск, 2021. – P. 130.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe task of restoring a blurred image of a moving object is well studied. In the case when the velocity of the object is known a priori, its solution is reduced, as is known, to the reversal of a discrete convolution. However, in the case of restoring a blurred image obtained at the camera resolution limit, the traditionally used approach, based on replacing the integral in the convolution equation with the corresponding quadrature formula, leads to the need for interpolation of the original image, which is associated with an increase in the size of computer memory used in calculations. The report will show that this additional memory consumption can be avoided if, when sampling, the convolution equations are based not on quadrature formulas, but on the Kotelnikov interpolation row.ru_RU
dc.subjectматериалы конференцийru_RU
dc.subjectconference proceedingsru_RU
dc.subjectblurred imagesru_RU
dc.subjectdiscrete convolutionru_RU
dc.titleOn the restoration of the blurred image of a moving objectru_RU
Appears in Collections:NDTCS 2021

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