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Browsing by Author Migas, D. B.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 41  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Atomic hydrogen passivation for photoresponsivity enhancement of boron-doped p-BaSi2 films and performance improvement of boron-doped p-BaSi2/n-Si heterojunction solar cellsXu, Z.; Sato, T.; Benincasa, L.; Yamashita, Y.; Deng, T.; Gotoh, K.; Toko, K.; Usami, N.; Filonov, A. B.; Migas, D. B.; Shohonov, D. A.; Suemasu, T.
2023Ca silicide films—promising materials for silicon optoelectronicsGalkin, N. G.; Galkin, K. N.; Goroshko, D. L.; Dotsenko, S. A.; Kropachev, O. V.; Chernev, I. M.; Subbotin, E. Y.; Alekseev, A. Yu.; Migas, D. B.; Fogarassy, Z.; Pecz, B.; Gutakovskii, A. K.
2013Charge Redistribution at GaAsYin, J.; Migas, D. B.; Panahandeh-Fard, M.; Chen, S.; Wang, Z.; Lova, P.; Soci, C.
2019Conductive CaSi2 transparent in the near infra-red rangeGalkin, N. G.; Dotsenko, S. A.; Galkin, K. N.; Maslov, A. M.; Cora, I.; Pecz, B.; Goroshko, D. L.; Tupkalo, A. V.; Chusovitin, E. A.; Subbotin, E. Y.; Migas, D. B.; Bogorodz, V. O.; Filonov, A. B.; Borisenko, V. E.
2023Correlation of the chemical composition, phase content, structural characteristics and magnetic properties of the Bi-substituted M-type hexaferritesYuan Yao; Hrekau, I. A.; Tishkevich, D. I.; Zubar, T. I.; Turchenko, V. A.; Songtao Lu; Silibin, M. V.; Migas, D. B.; Sayyed, M. I.; Trukhanov, S. V.; Trukhanov, A. V.
2021Curvature-induced effects in semiconducting alkaline-earth metal silicide nanotubesAlekseev, A. Yu.; Migas, D. B.; Filonov, A. B.; Chernykh, A. G.; Borisenko, V. E.; Skorodumova, N. V.
2023Effect of morphology on the phonon thermal conductivity in Si/Ge superlattice nanowiresKhaliava, I. I.; Khamets, A. L.; Safronov, I. V.; Filonov, A. B.; Takashi Suemasu; Migas, D. B.
2020Effect of polaron formation on electronic, charge and magnetic properties of Nb12O29Migas, D. B.; Filonov, A. B.; Borisenko, V. E.; Skorodumova, N. V.
2021Effects of bipolarons on oxidation states, and the electronic and optical properties of W18O49Migas, D. B.; Filonov, A. B.; Skorodumova, N. V.
2017Effects of grain size on the charge carrier mobility of BaSi2 polycrystaline thin filmShohonov, D.; Samusevich, I.; Filonov, A. B.; Migas, D. B.
2023Effects of hydrogen on trap neutralization in BaSi2 with interstitial silicon atomsSho Aonuki; Kaoru Toko; Filonov, A. B.; Migas, D. B.; Takashi Suemasu
2019Effects of lattice parameter manipulations on electronic and optical properties of BaSi2Shohonov, D. A.; Migas, D. B.; Filonov, A. B.; Borisenko, V. E.; Takabe, R.; Suemasu, T.
2015Electronic properties of semiconducting Ca2Si silicide: From bulk to nanostructures by means of first principles calculationsBorisenko, V. E.; Migas, D. B.; Bogorodz, V. O.; Filonov, A. B.; Shaposhnikov, V. L.; Galkin, N. G.
2017Electronic properties of thin BaSi2 films with different orientationsMigas, D. B.; Bogorodz, V. O.; Krivosheeva, A. V.; Shaposhnikov, V. L.; Filonov, A. B.; Borisenko, V. E.
2022Electronic structure and optical properties of Ca2Si films grown on silicon different oriented substrates and calculated from first principlesGalkin, K. N.; Kropachev, O. V.; Maslov, A. M.; Chernev, I. M.; Subbotin, E. Yu.; Galkin, N. G.; Alekseev, A. Yu.; Migas, D. B.
2022Formation, structure, and optical properties of single-phase CaSi and CaSi2 films on Si substratesGalkin, N. G.; Galkin, K. N.; Kropachev, O. V.; Chernev, I. M.; Dotsenko, S. A.; Goroshko, D. L.; Subbotin, E. Yu.; Alekseev, A. Yu.; Migas, D. B.
2017Grain effect in the carrier mobility of BaSi2 nanofilmsShohonov, D. A.; Samusevich, I. S.; Filonov, A. B.; Migas, D. B.; Morita, K.; Suemasu, T.
2020Hydrogen states in hydrogen-passivated semiconducting barium disilicide measured via muon spin rotationXu, Z.; Sato, T.; Nakamura, J.; Koda, A.; Shimomura, K.; Filonov, A. B.; Migas, D. B.; Suemasu, T.
2023Interplay between structural changes, surface states and quantum confinement effects in semiconducting Mg2Si and Ca2Si thin filmsAlekseev, A. Yu.; Migas, D. B.; Filonov, A. B.; Galkin, N. G.; Skorodumova, N. V.
2019Marked enhancement of the photoresponsivity and minority-carrier lifetime of BaSi2 passivated with atomic hydrogenXu, Z.; Gotoh, K.; Deng, T.; Honda, S.; Toko, K.; Usami, N.; Suemasu, T.; Shohonov, D. A.; Filonov, A. B.; Migas, D. B.; Borisenko, V. E.