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Title: Critical temperature and interface transparency of N/S/N triple layers: theory and experiment
Authors: Kushnir, V. N.
Prischepa, S. L.
Cirillo, C.
Attanasio, C.
Keywords: публикации ученых
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Citation: Critical temperature and interface transparency of N/S/N triple layers: theory and experiment / V. N. Kushnir [and other] // The European Physical Journa. – 2006. – № 52. – Р. 9–14.
Abstract: The influence of the finite transparency, T , of superconductor/normal metal (S/N) interface on the critical temperature of proximity coupled layered structures is investigated in the dirty limit on the basis of the microscopic equations solved exactly by a matrix method. The calculated theoretical curves satisfactory reproduce the experimental dependencies of the critical temperature on the thickness of the superconducting layers in N/S/N trilayers. The relation between the transparency coefficient and the normal metal coherence length is also discussed.
Appears in Collections:Публикации в зарубежных изданиях

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