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Title: Eportfolio in the system of contemporary education and self-education
Authors: Shumskaya, N.
Keywords: материалы конференций;ePortfolio;life-long learning;self-education;informatization in the educational system
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: БГУИР
Citation: Shumskaya, N. Eportfolio in the system of contemporary education and self-education / N. Shumskaya // Высшее техническое образование: проблемы и пути развития = Engineering education:challenges and developments: материалы VIII международной научно-методической конференции. ( Минск, 17-18 ноября 2016 г. ). В 2 ч. Ч. 2 / редкол. Е. Н. Живицкая и др. – Минск: БГУИР, 2016. – С. 298 – 301.
Abstract: Lifelong learning is turning into a strategic problem for the successful development in the spheres of national economy and education. The article presents some variants of electronic portfolio implementation for qualitative changes in the field of lifelong learning.
Appears in Collections:Высшее техническое образование: проблемы и пути развития : материалы VIII международной научно-методической конференции (2016)

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