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Title: Investigation of microwave energy distribution character in a resonator type plasmatron
Authors: Madveika, S. I.
Bordusov, S. V.
Dostanko, A. P.
Keywords: публикации ученых;plasma;microwave energy;distribution
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Czech Technical University in Prague
Citation: Madveika, S. I. Investigation of microwave energy distribution character in a resonator type plasmatron / S. I. Madveika, S. V. Bordusov, A. P. Dostanko // Plasma Physics and Technology. – 2016. – Vol. 3, № 3. – P. 122–125.
Abstract: An investigation of microwave energy distribution character in a plasma of microwave discharge inside a plasmatron based on a rectangular resonator has been carried out. The experiments were done applying the "active probe" method. Microwave discharge was excited in the air and oxygen. Ithasbeenfoundoutthatthereadingsofthe"activeprobe"alongthedischargechamberareofperiodic character. The readings of the "active probe" and data on the local electric conductivity of plasma obtained using electrical probes have been compared.
Appears in Collections:Публикации в зарубежных изданиях

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