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Title: Role of the external surfaces on the superconducting properties of superconductor/normal metal trilayers
Authors: Kushnir, V. N.
Ilyina, E. A.
Prischepa, S. L.
Cirillo, C.
Attanasio, C.
Keywords: публикации ученых;Proximity effect;N/S/N structure;S/N/S structure;Interface transparency
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: EDP Sciences
Citation: Role of the external surfaces on the superconducting properties of superconductor/normal metal trilayers / V. N. Kushnir [et al.] // Superlattices and Microstructures. – 2008. – V. 43, № 2. – P. 86–92.
Abstract: Superconducting proximity effect is studied in superconductor/normal metal trilayers. The dependences of the superconducting transition temperature Tc versus Nb thickness in Cu/Nb/Cu systems and versus Cu thickness in Nb/Cu/Nb ones are described by different values of the microscopical parameters. We attribute this difference to the influence of the external surfaces of the Nb/Cu/Nb hybrids on the superconducting properties of the system.
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