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Title: Абітурыенты праз рабфакі
Authors: Куракевіч, Н. І.
Keywords: материалы конференций;рабочие факультеты;абитуриенты
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: БГУИР
Citation: Куракевіч, Н. І. Абітурыенты праз рабфакі / Н. І. Куракевіч // Дистанционное обучение – образовательная среда XXI века : материалы IX международной научно-методической конференции (Минск, 3-4 декабря 2015 года). – Минск : БГУИР, 2015. – C. 211 – 212.
Abstract: Before the October Revolution there were no Higher education institutions in Belarus, that are designed to prepare highly qualified personnel. Due to the absence of completing secondary school in 1920 in education system of Belarus institutions of higher education were provided with college graduates. However, this small amount could not provide trained contingent of higher education. This problem was solved by workers' faculties that is an important channel of replenishment of higher education with working people.
Appears in Collections:Дистанционное обучение - образовательная среда XXI века (2015)

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