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Title: Porous Silicon for Accumulation and Generation of Hydrogen
Authors: Dolbik, A. V.
Lazarouk, S. K.
Leshok, A. A.
Keywords: публикации ученых;porous Si;electrochemical anodization;hydrogen
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: World Scientic Publishing Company
Citation: Dolbik, A. V. Porous Silicon for Accumulation and Generation of Hydrogen / A. V. Dolbik, S. K. Lazarouk, A. A. Leshok // International Journal of Nanoscience. – 2019. – Vol. 18, No. 3–4. – P. 1940089 (1–4). – DOI:
Abstract: Porous silicon layers have been formed by electrochemical anodization of p- and n-type Si substrates. The volume of hydrogen desorbed from the surface of porous silicon after the anodic treatment was measured to be as large as 4 wt.%. Regeneration of hydrogen can be achieved by porous silicon reanodization.
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