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Title: The practical application of leadership in chinese higher education establishments
Authors: Liu Xingyao
Wu Jiasi
Keywords: материалы конференций;university management;educational leadership;education establishments
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: БГУИР
Citation: Liu Xingyao. The practical application of leadership in chinese higher education establishments / Liu Xingyao, Wu Jiasi // Актуальные вопросы экономики и информационных технологий : сборник тезисов и статей докладов 60-ой юбилейной научной конференции аспирантов, магистрантов и студентов БГУИР, Минск, 22–26 апреля 2024 г. / Белорусский государственный университет информатики и радиоэлектроники. – Минск, 2024. – С. 429–433.
Abstract: The problem of leadership today is addressed in various fields, not only in sports, business or politics. Noticeable interest in leadership has emerged in the field of education. Leadership problems are engaged in philosophy, psychology, sociology, political science and other scientific fields. In management leadership is studied in the aspect of its application as organization management tool. The aim of this paper is to reveal the peculiarities of leadership in Chinese universities as well as specify the policies and measures to strengthen the leadership of Chinese higher education.
Appears in Collections:Актуальные вопросы экономики и информационных технологий : материалы 60-й научной конференции аспирантов, магистрантов и студентов (2024)

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