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dc.contributor.authorBoiprav, O. V.-
dc.contributor.authorBogush, V. A.-
dc.contributor.authorLynkou, L. M.-
dc.identifier.citationBoiprav, O. V. Electromagnetic radiation reflection, transmission and absorption characteristics of microwave absorbers based on dilatant liquids and powdered activated wood charcoal / O. V. Boiprav, V. A. Bogush, L. M. Lynkou // Materials Physics and Mechanics. – 2024. – Vol. 51, № 6. – P. 127–134.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe paper presents new microwave absorbers based on dilatant liquids and powdered activated wood (birch) charcoal. The patterns of changes of electromagnetic radiation reflection, transmission and absorption coefficients values in the frequency range 2.0–17.0 GHz of the indicated absorbers are described. In accordance with these patterns, electromagnetic radiation reflection coefficient values in the frequency range of 2.0–17.0 GHz of the absorbers based on a dilatant liquid containing water vary from –2.0 to –15.0 dB, and absorbers based on dilatant liquid containing magnesium chloride water solution or sodium chloride water solution – from –2.0 to –17.0 dB and from –2.0 to –10.0 dB, respectively. Electromagnetic radiation transmission coefficient values of the above absorbers vary respectively from –15.0 to –27.0 dB, from –15.0 to –28.0 dB, from –15.0 to –30.0 dB. Electromagnetic radiation absorption coefficient values of these absorbers achieve a value of 0.95. These absorbers are recommended for use in lining the walls of containers intended for storage and transportation of electronic devices sensitive to microwave interference.en_US
dc.publisherСанкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великогоen_US
dc.subjectпубликации ученыхen_US
dc.subjectabsorption coefficienten_US
dc.subjecttransmission coefficienten_US
dc.subjectelectromagnetic radiationen_US
dc.subjectmicrowave absorberen_US
dc.titleElectromagnetic radiation reflection, transmission and absorption characteristics of microwave absorbers based on dilatant liquids and powdered activated wood charcoalen_US
Appears in Collections:Публикации в зарубежных изданиях

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