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Title: A Micro-Airflow Sensor System Enabled by Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Lab Safety and Human–Computer Interaction
Authors: Xucong Wang
Yingzhe Li
Chaoran Liu
Weilong You
Haiyang Zou
Chenxi Yue
Jiagen Cheng
Weihuang Yang
Shaoxian Li
Lazarouk, S.
Labunov, V.
Gaofeng Wang
Hongjian Lin
Linxi Don
Keywords: публикации ученых;sensors;sensor systems;triboelectricity
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Citation: A Micro-Airflow Sensor System Enabled by Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Lab Safety and Human–Computer Interaction / Xucong Wang, Yingzhe Li, Chaoran Liu [et ai.] // IEEE Sensors Journal. – 2024. – Vol. 24. – № 5. – Р. 6880–6887.
Abstract: The airflow sensor enabled by triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) is significant for intelligent lab safety and human–computer interaction applications. However, the reported airflow/wind sensor focuses on enhancing the sensing materials and structures, lack of high resolution, and smart signal analysis. Herein, we present a self-powered micro-airflow sensor and its artificial intelligence (AI) system, applied for lab safety and human–computer interaction. The as-fabricated sensor has a high sensitivity of 0.6258 μA /(m/s) and a linearity of 0.9968. Attributing to the Venturi effect, the minimum detection velocity of the sensor is 0.13 m/s. Given the sensor performance, we develop a real-time pipeline gas leak location system with an AI user interface, which achieves a potential low detect error ≤2.9 cm. In addition, we successfully explore other applications, including human exit–entry counting, ventilation alarm, and breath-based smart aid communication. Above all, the airflow sensor exhibits tremendous potential in the AI and Internet of Things.
DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2024.335070
Appears in Collections:Публикации в зарубежных изданиях

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