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Showing results 1 to 20 of 44  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Advanced lead-free double perovskites/silica hybrid nanocrystals for highly stable light-emitting diodesJindou Shi; Zeyu Wang; Luxia Xu; Junnan Wang; Zheyuan Da; Chen Zhang; Yongqiang Ji; Qing Yao; Youlong Xu; Gaponenko, N. V.; Jinshou Tian; Minqiang Wang
2020Depth dependent X-ray diffraction of porous anodic alumina films filled with cubic YAlO3:Tb3+ matrixSerafińczuk, J.; Pawlaczyk, Ł.; Podhorodecki, A.; Gaponenko, N. V.; Molchan, I. S.; Thompson, G.
2019Enhanced luminescence of europium in sol-gel derived BaTiO3/SiO2 multilayer cavity structureGaponenko, N. V.; Kholov, P. A.; Raichenok, T. F.; Prislopski, S. Ya.
2023Enhanced stability of lead-free double perovskite Cs2AgInxBi1-xCl6 crystals under a high humidity environment by surface capping treatmentJindou Shi; Minqiang Wang; Chen Zhang; Junnan Wang; Yun Zhou; Youlong Xu; Gaponenko, N. V.
2023Enhanced stability of lead-free double perovskite Cs2Na1-xBi1-xMn2xCl6 microcrystals and their optoelectronic devices under high humidity environment by SiO2 encapsulationJindou Shi; Minqiang Wang; Chen Zhang; Junnan Wang; Yun Zhou; Youlong Xu; Gaponenko, N. V.
2024Environmentally stable Mn-doped CsPbX3@CsPb2X5 core–shell materials with efficient energy transferChen Zhang; Luxia Xu; Minqiang Wang; Zheyuan Da; Jindou Shi; Junnan Wang; Qing Yao; Jinshou Tian; Gaponenko, N. V.; Youlong Xu
2019Erbium luminescence in (Y, Er, Yb)3Al5O12 powdersKhoroshko, L. S.; Gaponenko, N. V.; Rudenko, M. V.; Sukalin, K. S.; Mudryĭ, A. V.; Radyush, Yu. V.
2022Erbium upconversion luminescence from sol-gel derived multilayer porous inorganic perovskite filmRudenko, M. V.; Gaponenko, N. V.; Chubenko, E. B.; Lashkovskaya, E. I.; Shustsikava, K. V.; Radyush, Yu. V.; Zhivulko, V. D.; Mudryi, A. V.; Wang, M.; Monaico, E. V.; Stepikhova, M. V.; Yablonskiy, A. N.
2020Eu luminescence from BaTiO3/SiO2 multilayer xerogel structuresGaponenko, N. V.; Parafinyuk, D. A.; Kholov, P. A.; Raichenok, T. F.; Prislopski, S.
2019Europium luminescence from amorphous yttrium alumina films on fused silica substratesVillegas Brito, J. C.; Gaponenko, N. V.; Sukalin, K. S.; Raichenok, T. F.; Tikhomorov, S. A.; Wang, X. C.; Cheng, Z. C.; Kargin, N. I.
2024High luminous efficiency and Ultra-Stable CsPbBr3@CsPb2Br5:Sr core-shell microplate for white light emitting diodesChen Zhang; Minqiang Wang; Zheyuan Da; Jindou Shi; Junnan Wang; Qing Yao; Gaponenko, N. V.
2020Highly Stable Na: CsPb(Br, I)3@Al2O3 Nanocomposites Prepared by Pre-protection StrategyJi, Y.; Wang, M.; Yang, Zhi; Qiu, H.; Ji, Sh.; Dou, J.; Gaponenko, N. V.
2024In situ doped Cs2AgIn0.9Bi0.1Cl6:8 %Yb,2% Er/PVDF composite films for the printing of multimodal fluorescent anti-counterfeiting marksJindou Shi; Zeyu Wang; Gaponenko, N. V.; Zheyuan Da; Chen Zhang; Junnan Wang; Yongqiang Ji; Qing Yao; Yusong Ding; Minqiang Wang; Youlong Xu
2023In Situ Fabrication of Lead-Free Double Perovskite/Polymer Composite Films for Optoelectronic Devices and Anticounterfeit PrintingJindou Shi; Minqiang Wang; Chen Zhang; Junnan Wang; Yun Zhou; Youlong Xu; Gaponenko, N. V.; Arshad Saleem Bhatti
2024In Situ Growth of Lead‐Free Double Perovskite Micron Sheets in Polymethyl Methacrylate for X‐Ray ImagingJindou Shi; Zeyu Wang; Luxia Xu; Junnan Wang; Zheyuan Da; Chen Zhang; Yongqiang Ji; Qing Yao; Youlong Xu; Gaponenko, N. V.; Jinshou Tian; Minqiang Wang
2017Infrared and visible photoluminescence from Er-doped sol-gel derived filmsKhoroshko, L. S.; Rudenko, M.; Stepikhova, M.; Mudryi, A.; Sukalin, K.; Kornilova, Y.; Gaponenko, N. V.
2015Low-resistance and high-resistance states in strontium titanate films formed by the sol–gel methodSohrabi Anaraki, H.; Gaponenko, N. V.; Litvinov, V. G.; Ermachikhin, A. V.; Kolos, V. V.; Pyatlitski, A. N.; Ivanov, V. A.
2024Metal oxide hybridization enhances room temperature phosphorescence of carbon dots–SiO2 matrix for information encryption and anti-counterfeitingQing Yao; Zeyu Wang; Gaponenko, N. V.; Jindou Shi; Zheyuan Da; Chen Zhang; Junnan Wang; Minqiang Wang
2024One-Step Preparation of High-Stability CsPbX3/CsPb2X5 Composite Microplates with Tunable EmissionChen Zhang; Zeyu Wang; Zheyuan Da; Jindou Shi; Junnan Wang; Youlong Xu; Gaponenko, N. V.; Arshad Saleem Bhatti; Minqiang Wang
2017Optical characteristics of strontium titanate films formed by sol-gel method on quartz substratesKulak, A. I.; Sohrabi Anaraki, H.; Gaponenko, N. V.; Khoroshko, L. S.; Kholov, P. A.; Raichyonok, T. F.