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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 78
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Ab initio calculations of electronic band structure of CdMnS semimagnetic semiconductorsMehrabova, M.; Panahov, N.; Hasanov, N.
2021Forecasting the level of assimilation of mathematical knowledge as a stage in modeling the educational process of a university in a blended learning environmentZhuravleva, E.; Studenikina, L.
2021Integration of general physics experiments with mathematical simulationZeylikovich, I.; Nikitin, A.; Belko, A.
2021The effect of a high-frequency electromagnetic field on the breather-electric effect in a non-additive superlatticeZavyalov, D.; Sivashova, E.; Denisov, E.
2021Minimizing the influence of temperature changes in the environment on the performance criteria of thermo-optical processor based on fabri-perot and smith microresonatorZalessky, V. B.; Konoiko, A. I.; Kravchenko, V. M.; Kuzmitskaya, A. S.
2021Developing a Seq2Seq neural network using visual attention to transform mathematical expressions from images to LaTeXVyaznikov, P.; Kotilevets, I.
2021Effect of thermal treatment on the electrical and photovoltaic characteristics of methylammonium lead triiodide perovskite filmsVrublevsky, I. A.; Tuchkovsky, A. K.; Lushpa, N. V.; Pham Gia Vu; Tran Dai Lam
2021Modeling AlGaN p-i-n photodiodesVorsin, N.; Gladyshchuk, A.; Kushner, T.; Tarasiuk, N.; Chugunov, S.; Borushko, M.
2021Computer modeling of cascade probabilistic functions, energy spectra of PKA and concentration of vacancy clusters in materials irradiated with light ionsVoronova, N.; Kupchishin, A.; Shmygaleva, T.
2021Temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity of wurtzite aluminum nitride, gallium nitride and aluminum-gallium nitrideVolcheck, V. S.; Hvazdouski, D. C.; Baranava, M. S.; Stempitsky, V. R.
2021Design optimization of the gallium nitride heterostructure field-effect transistor with a graphene heat-removal systemVolcheck, V. S.; Lovshenko, I. Yu.; Stempitsky, V. R.
2021Mathematical modeling of the dynamics of a four-point platform of a heavy-duty vehicleVerkner, A. S.; Asanov, A. Z.
2021Emission enhancement of semiconductor nanocrystals by gold nanorods: a recipeTrotsiuk, L.; Muravitskaya, A.; Kulakovich, O.; Artemyev, M.; Gaponenko, S.
2021Studying the influence of microbolometer structure and geometry on the parameters of infrared detectorsTran Van Trieu; Lovshenko, I. Yu.; Sadchenko, V.; Stempitsky, V. R.
2021Analysis and prediction of the development of microprocessor characteristicsStaroverov, I. N.; Dzerzhinsky, R. I.
2021Determination of quality indicators of controlled electric drives at the design stage by the method of circuit simulationSleptsov, V.; Ablaeva, A.
2021Software tool for evaluation of reliability and survivability of complex technical system bases on logical-probabilistic methodologySkobtsov, V.; Lapitskaja, N.
2021Tunneling and magnetoresistance in ferromagnet/wide-gap semiconductor/ferromagnet nanostructureSidorova, T. N.; Danilyuk, A. L.
2021Machine learning methods for evaluating innovative projectsShmeleva, A.; Goldobin, I.; Klimova, E.; Moskvin, A.; Lygarev, Y.
2021The comparative analysis of technological regimes for improving the electrical insulation strength of double-sided alumina bases with viasShimanovich, D. L.; Tishkevich, D.
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 78