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Title: Er-doped oxidized porous silicon waveguides
Authors: Balucani, M.
Bondarenko, V. P.
Lamedica, G.
Ferrari, A.
Yakovtseva, V. A.
Dolgyi, L.
Vorozov, N.
Volchek, S. A.
Petrovich, V. A.
Kazuchits, N.
Keywords: публикации ученых;erbium;porous silicon;optoelectronic devices
Issue Date: 2001
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: Balucani, M. Er-doped oxidized porous silicon waveguides / M. Balucani [et al.] // Thin Solid Films. – 2001. – Vol. 396. – P. 201–203.
Abstract: The present work reports Er-doped channel oxidized porous silicon waveguides (OPSWG) formed from n+-type Si by the two-step anodisation process. Er has been introduced into porous silicon before oxidation by a cathodic treatment in 0.1 M Er (NO3)3 aqueous solution. A correlation between Er concentration and refractive index profiles has shown dominant core doping with Er relative to cladding regions. Reported Er concentration of 0.8 at.% in the OPSWG is large enough to attain the amplification effect.
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